Every woman deserves an emotionally healthy and rewarding pregnancy
Welcome to this educational resource backed by medical research & inspired by questions from hundreds of my past and current patients. You’ll find helpful info on mood, anxiety, depression, mental illness, hormones, treatments, and resources.
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Join us July 17th, 5pm, for a special live lecture + Q&A
Sleep in Perimenopause
Dr. Glezer, a reproductive psychiatrist and founder of the Women’s Wellness Psychiatry clinic and the educational site Mind Body Pregnancy, and Dr. Bhopal, a sleep physician, will teach you about how to recognize the common symptoms of perimenopause, focusing on one of the most common and impactful issues - sleep disturbance, and will provide detailed discussion on how to address this important challenge. Topics include:
How to recognize if you're in perimenopause
Myths and misconceptions about perimenopause and its treatments
The impact of sleep disturbance, why this happens in perimenopause, and how to treat it
Webinar will feature 45 minutes of lecture and 15 minutes of Q&A. You may learn more about Dr. Glezer and Dr. Bhopal here.
To sign up, please submit your email below.

Partner Violence During Pregnancy
The number one cause of death during pregnancy is partner violence. Domestic violence (also called intimate partner violence, IPV) is defined by the American Medical Association as a pattern of abusive behavior in an intimate relationship. Overall rates of domestic violence are 20-25% over a woman’s lifetime, but it is generally thought that abuse is…

Want a Better Labor Experience? Hire a Doula!
Research has proven that doulas, defined as lay women who assist with childbirth, can have significant positive impact on your labor, delivery, and even the postpartum experience. The assistance provided by a doula includes physical, emotional, and information support, and it extends from the active phase of labor through into the postpartum period. Some of the valuable elements of this aid includes…

Treatment Options for Insomnia in Pregnancy
Sleep in pregnancy can be a challenge and poor sleep leads to various emotional and physical consequences. Before seeking treatment for sleep, it is important to evaluate the potential reasons why you might be having difficulty with sleep, whether it is…

Perinatal Depression? Massage Can Help
We have previously discussed the importance of treating depression during pregnancy, given the potential consequences on the developing infant and the delivery. This article focuses on one specific type of treatment – massage – as a means of managing the symptoms of depression. Massage as a form of treatment can be quite varied, and includes…

Sleep Disturbance in Pregnancy
In pregnancy, sleep can be significantly altered. You might find yourself waking up too early, or too many times. You might find it hard to fall asleep, with thoughts racing. You might feel physically uncomfortable. And you might wake up not feeling refreshed. In fact, more than three quarters of pregnant women report a change or disturbance in their sleep pattern. It is very important to understand…

Guide to Depression during Pregnancy
Many of my patients are surprised to hear how common it is to experience depression during pregnancy. Perhaps this is because pregnancy in today’s society is often viewed as almost a magical time for a woman, full of glowing happiness. However, for many women, this is not the case. Depression during pregnancy…

Anxiety Disorder vs. Stress During Pregnancy
Anxiety is a broad term, which in the general population is often synonymous with worry and stress. In this article, we will separate out two situations: When a woman is feeling stress during pregnancy and having general worries and when a woman is struggling with an anxiety disorder. Pregnancy is an anxiety-provoking time whether you are a new mom or having your third child. Many women ask me…

Panic Attack During Pregnancy
If you have experienced a panic attack during pregnancy, you remember the sensation – shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, racing thoughts, and feeling like you might be having a heart attack or something is terribly wrong. It involves the activation of the sympathetic nervous system, the one responsible for our…

Pregnancy Hormones’ Impact on Emotional Health
Pregnancy is a time when your hormones change drastically. These hormones are the reason you feel the way you do, both physically and emotionally, and are what allows a pregnancy to make it to term and promote a healthy mother-baby relationship afterwards. It is valuable to know about each of the hormones involved because they can have an effect on…

Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy
For many women, some nausea and vomiting, particularly in the early part of pregnancy, seems inevitable. For some, however, the condition becomes severe enough to compromise well-being and impact quality of life and mood. Severe nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP) can impair a woman’s ability to function at work and at home, and can even have negative effects on the baby, such as…

The Pregnancy Brain Myth
The way a woman’s mind works changes during pregnancy. Many women say they experience baby brain or pregnancy brain, referring to feeling less confident with their thinking, attention, and memory. But is this a real phenomenon? Many have attempted to answer the question of how a woman’s cognitive abilities changes during pregnancy, with very mixed results. Some studies show…

Gestational Diabetes & Mental Wellness
Gestational diabetes (GDM) affects more than 9% of pregnant women, with the diagnosis usually made in the middle of the second trimester, and, unfortunately, on the rise. We know that this diagnosis can have a whole host of pregnancy related complications, so it is understandable that women who receive it find themselves with questions..

Sex During Pregnancy
For many women, their own views of themselves as sexual beings and their sexual behaviors change over the course of pregnancy and into the postpartum period. Many researchers of pregnant women note a pattern…

Acupuncture for Pregnancy Depression
Many of my pregnant patients struggling with depression ask about non-medication treatment options. Understandably, there are many concerns and hesitations about taking medication during pregnancy. For women with mild to moderate depressive symptoms, acupuncture is one such treatment…

OCD in Pregnancy
As we’ve previously learned, pregnancy and the postpartum period can predispose a woman to developing a new mental health condition or worsening of an ongoing diagnosis. This is the case with depression, with anxiety, and also with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. This condition is characterized by intrusive, recurrent thoughts, often with a need to alleviate the tension of these thoughts by engaging in certain types of behaviors. This might mean…

Light Therapy for Depression
Perinatal and postpartum depression affects many women, by some studies up to 10-20%. In my clinical practice, I also have many women who struggle with the decision about taking medications for treatment of this condition given the potential for side effects and exposure to the baby. Therefore, there is always a search for non-pharmacologic treatment options. Light therapy is…

Eating Disorders During Pregnancy
Weight gain and body shape is a huge concern for women in pregnancy, regardless of eating history. One study in the UK found that 40% of pregnant women feared weight gain during pregnancy and 70% worried they would be unable to return to their pre-pregnancy weight. These numbers are similar in most Western countries. An eating disorder…

Should I Eat My Placenta?
Placentophagy, the eating of one’s placenta after birth, is a practice common in mammals. There is very little written about this practice in humans until recently when its popularity has increased in certain Western cultures. The primary reason many cite for engaging in this practice is to help prevent postpartum depression, along with
Dr. Glezer began her training at Harvard and then transitioned to the University of California, San Francisco, where she has been a practicing physician, teacher, mentor, and is an associate professor. She is board certified in adult and forensic psychiatry, a member of the American Psychiatric Association, and the immediate past President of the Northern California Psychiatric Society.
She has worked with hundreds of women going through the emotional challenges of conception, pregnancy, loss, and postpartum. She has been interviewed for, and her written work has appeared on multiple leading sites, including Huffington Post, Fit Pregnancy, Health Line, Help Guide, and more.
She began her private practice to help women throughout the Bay Area access reproductive mental health services and is really passionate about helping as many women as possible.